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From as long as Jill can remember she has always loved jewelry. It started out as friendship bracelets and beading at a young age and turned into her taking her first metalsmith class while studying abroad in Florence, Italy. It was her time in Florence that really solidified her desire to turn jewelry making and design into a career. After graduating college she moved cross country to Carlsbad, CA to attend the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Here she became a certified Gemologist and continued to learn and refine her skills on the jewelry bench.

While working towards her certification, Jill entered the jewelry world manufacturing and doing wholesale for a designer. After GIA she then went on to manage a high end jewelry boutique in Los Angeles for a little over 10 years. It was through the experience of working with designers from all over the world and gaining a deep knowledge of both the wholesale and retail process that Jill finally felt it was time to fulfill her own dream and launch her own line, Jill Hoffmeister Jewelry.

The inspiration for Jill's first collection began in one her manufacturing class while working with casting grain/shot. She loved the imperfectly round shapes of the material. With this in mind, she began creating a line using organically shaped bubbles which have now become a signature in her work. Most of Jill's work is made up of one-of-a-kind pieces using beautiful gemstones and crystals. Jill pours her heart into every single piece she creates and is honored to be part of your collection.